Entertain Me!!!!

I have just (as in approx. 30 secs before I started typing this post) realised that more of than naught, I open my IE/Firefox (because they don't allow Firefox in the office, those Microsoft worshippers!) and expect to be entertained!

Yes, yes where the TV was once was my constant source of entertainment/comfort, the internet is my new found clown/dramatist/gossip-mongerer. I instinctively click on the relevant icon, type in the known addresses and just sit back and allow the flow of information to invigorate me!
AHHHHHHHHHH........ how it pleases me.
The latest news on my favorite sports; recipes that start the saliva glands doing what they do best; random pieces of trivia; world news; info/updates from friends... the list is endless. If there's something that starts to bore me I *gasp* go to another page. If I'm feeling very alert and my interests seem multi-faceted, I have more than one window open (or in the case of Firefox, numerous tabs running)!

Yes, yes I know, my focus is not really on all the items but it's nice to know that they're there. Just like how we throw something away only to realise that we want to use it, have it, see it. Yes I am a hoarder and I have been known to hoard information.
God knows that if I had more money, I'd simply be accumulating more stuff - books, magazines, pots & pans, guitars, clothes... arggghhhhh I'm materialistic - *goes away to sob and pity self in a far off corner*

Oh well, that's me. I'm just like 99% of the rest of the world.

Back to work.


angeline said…
goshhh you gotta read my thoughts!!!
angeline said…
aarrrgh... i want firefox too. but i m too busy. maybe after OR.

this is what the pastor at my church said a month ago during his sermon. the best oxymoron ever... microsoft works. heard that one?
Anonymous said…
no excuse for not using firefox......
Anonymous said…
uh oh...... can use others, hehee
Anonymous said…
Yeah I've heard that one about Microsoft Works... ehehe... there are pages dedicated to those sort of things.
But yes, firefox has tabbed browsing and is more secure. Therefore firefox trumps IE! Love live firefox! Down with IE! Let the revolutions continue to roll!
angeline said…
why wont they allow firefox in the office? like you cant download them or what?

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