Mah Moo-Sic

It's always, and I mean always, interesting to hear other people's music inclinations. My bro was saying the other day that you can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to.
Me, I'm not so sure. I think you can identify elements in a person that corespond to the type of music they listen to or the musicians/artiste that they like (idolize, fawn over, are obsessed with...) but I don't think many people actually take the time to internalize the lyrics of the songs that they like.
To the masses, a song is probably more tune/melody/killer lick/incredible singing than the philosophy or the message that the song embodies.
Most people DO NOT do an in-depth analysis of the songs they here. Many don't even begin to comprehend the psyche of the song-writer (well except for song that only talk about 'love'). Ok, so I'm generalizing but i think that in this case, it's a fair sweep.
So yeah music is a part of our lives whether we like to admit it or not... it's just like TV.


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