On writing

Why do we admire another person's writing style? Is it simply because we wished we wrote that way, that tinge of envy when you think you know that someone is better? Or is it because we always wish we were someone we're not.
Often, I wish I wrote differently. I like the narrative voice but mine sounds juvenile on paper (how's that for ironic??). I think I write like a fifteen year old wired on MTV and Teen Magazine. Well, maybe that's stretching it but then I read someone else's blog/journal/article and I start comparing myself from the first line. And it irritates the heck out of me! Yes, yes I irritate myself and I think I do a pretty good job.
So anyways self-criticism aside, I'm constantly being torn by the myriad of voices I want to sound like. There's the jaded, pop philosopher, the cyberpunk sci-fi,edgy writer, the asian: fluid, conservetive, mellow yet profound and the academic scholar who tries to impress and communicate to maybe 0.1 % of the earth's population (2 accolades from a distinguished professor or 5 from a peer is enough to satisfy and gratify).
So the question for me is, can I be all in one or all at many times?
Then again I'm always lapsing into the teen, narrative voice that I loathe so much. How trite!


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